Speeding up Conversion (or slowing down time)
Hint: One of the questions that I tend to get asked a lot is... how do we speed up conversion? I tend to focus on a number of factors in an attempt to speed things up, but my top 11 is: Are the Staging and Production schemas on the same database/tablespace? Are the disks experiencing hotspots as a result of this shared implementation? If the two schemas are not on the same database, what is the theoretical maximum capacity of the link between the two instances? Is the machine CPU or Memory constrained? Can multithreaded runs be threaded further? Can Indexes be dropped for specific conversion steps? In most instances it it cheaper to drop the indexes before any mass insert steps and rebuild them afterwards than wear the cost of multiple I/Os for each insert. In instances where the indexes cannot be dropped, have these been created on their own database tablespace, with a dedicated I/O channel? For multi-threaded jobs, are the thread ranges reasonable, or can better results b...