My Generation..

I am aware of a number of performance issues with converting a large amount of transactional data, specifically around the Key Generation routines and the method whereby these jobs cannot be multi-threaded (resulting in massive rollback segments as a single SQL statement attempts to process all transactions in one hit).

As a result, I have looked into the ability to tune this conversion phase and recommend the following:
1. Review the code in CIPVBSGK (via AppViewer for an example of how CC&B conversion generates keys).
2. Consider dropping all indexes on the CK_* tables before running KeyGen to reduce the amount of I/O (ensure that these are all rebuilt as soon as KeyGen has completed to ensure that other dependent tables do not suffer slowdown as a result of full table scans).
3. Ensure that Rollback Segments, Transaction tables (i.e. Bills, FTs, Payments, Meter Read, etc), Master Data Table (ie Account, SA, etc) and Indexes are allocated their own table-spaces and I/O Channel at the database level to ensure that maximum throughput is ensured (my personal preference is to split the Meter Read and Interval-related Data sets out to yet another table-space and IO channel, but this will be dependent on the disk structure on your machines).
4. Assess whether your partitioning is efficient (or even needed), Partitioning is done to speed up DB accesses where the application is I/O bound. It is not required in order for CC&B to run. If the Database is configured correctly on a single table-space, feel free to leave it as-is.
5. Be aware that running the validation processes for every x records does expose you to the risk that not all errors will be encountered, but it does allow you to quickly identify the big ticket items that are incorrect in your mapping and get these out of the way easily. I recommend starting out running every x records as part of your initial conversion runs and setting the value to 1 for all of your dress-rehearsal iterations.

Failing this, some sites have elected to customise the KeyGen, in the event that this is your preferred approach take care to:
1. Consider running custom SQL to perform your key generation, aligned with your partition ranges (i.e. 10 concurrent SQL statements with high and low ranges aligned with your 10 partitions, or a factor of this split (e.g. 20 or 30 SQL statements each performing bite-sized chunks of each partition range).
2. Consider running the base KeyGen process in De-duplication mode after your custom SQL has completed to ensure that no duplicates are encountered (if they are this process will 'bounce' the SQL-generated value to another unique value).
3. Note that no manipulation of the input keys is expected as part of your Extract or Load processes in order to complete any of this functionality.
4. Make sure that KeyGen (or your custom SQL) is executed in the order specified by the online help to ensure that inherited keys are generated correctly (e.g. Account should be run first, since most transactional data inherits a component of the primary key from the Account Id).
5. Ensure that you create the initial "null-key" value on the CK_* table to support optional foreign key logic performed as part of the insert into PROD.
6. Ensure that your key fields are all zero-filled numeric values with no trailing spaces (see my earlier posting in relation to Staging Table Keys).

Regardless of the approach adopted:
1. Consider bringing down the Staging CC&B application during your runs to reduce the risk of table/record locking by individuals logged on to the environment while the batches are running (feel free to bring it up at various points in the overall Conversion process to perform sanity checks, but these must be well defined milestones in the conversion plan, and the application should then be shut down again once this phase has completed).
2. The performance of the Validation steps seems to be affected, to a large degree, by the existence of Characteristics on entities, as a result, expect your runs to take longer if your data model calls for a large amount of characteristics.
3. Financial Transactions that are converted with REDUNDANT_SW = 'Y' will normally be exempt from all further processing in CC&B (with the exception of bill segment processing, direct queries and archiving), as a result the actual key value assigned is of less importance than active transactions.
4. Cross partition population of transactions for a single account will not "break" CC&B, it will simply incur a minor performance hit when retrieving these transactions.
5. Due to the fact that historic Bill Segments are normally accessed regardless of the REDUNDANT_SW by the next bill creation process, it is recommended that inherited key structures be retained for this entity.


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